We sent out an anonymous that got 137 responses. We were looking for general information about how often someone might visit a yard sale, as well as what factors are important when shopping second-hand.
Based on the information from the survey, we conducted five 1-1 interviews. The focus of these interviews was to find information on how a shopper would find a yard sale and ways to make the experience more enjoyable.
Based on our research, our users would be more likely to buy then to sell. With that information we focused our user persona the second-hand shopper first.
Based on our research we have found that people who want to go to yard sales have a hard time finding the items that they want. This is causing them to have a negative experience, and feeling as though they have wasted their time. How might we help users have a more positive experience by helping them to find the items they want while saving them time and money?
We brainstormed some ideas for our app and prioritized them based on the difficulty of implementing vs the value for the user. By doing this we came up with three areas of focus.
Before starting our wireframes, we mapped out a user flow for messaging a seller and for mapping out a route to a sale.
See all wireframes here
Testing focused on the users ability to get directions for a signal yard sale and multiple yard sales on the same route. Users also tested the message a seller feature.
The current features designed for this app allow those looking to purchase second-hand items a better way to utilize yard sales by giving more information and saving the user time.