Before we started our research, we took a look at some of the features of our competitors. We picked two direct competitors (Daily Rise Coffee and Cupla Coffee); both are small businesses that would have a similar clientele and background. We also looked at two indirect competitors (Starbucks and Dunkin'); both are big chain stores that are highly successful across the country.
We sent out an anonymous that received 102 responses to get an idea for peoples basic coffee habits.
Based on the information from the survey, we conducted four 1-1 interviews to gain deeper insight of our user.
Based on our research, we crafted our user persona to guide us throughout the rest of our project.
We’ve observed that users value a quick and easy coffee-buying experience. How might we streamline this experience for a local coffee shop so the user can get what they want and support a local business?
We created a SWPT analysis to help identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Three Pines Coffee current services and their site.
Using our Persona and research, we brainstormed some ideas that would meet our users needs and address their pain points. Below are the three areas we decided to focus on.
Before starting our wireframes, we mapped out some simple user flows for viewing the menu and submitting a recipe for the monthly "community special"
Here are a few of our desktop wireframes
Testing focused on functionality of the site and content.
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We built a website to expand the online presence of Three Pines Coffee. We have offered opportunities for community engagement and streamlined the coffee buying experience by expanding their menu.